Since I'm going to post photos that I took, I take this chance to also write a short write up on how to go to Pulau Ubin and what you can do there.
Pulau Ubin is a offshore island of Singapore. It only takes 30 minutes to bring you away from the busy city to a peaceful kampong life. You can board the ferry at Changi Ferry Terminal (Nearby is Changi Village).
Once you reach Ubin, you can choose to be adventurous by walking around Ubin or rent a bicycle. I would advise to avoid renting bicycle from the first bicycle store along the way, because somehow this shop has the HIGHEST rental price. Walk in further, you will see cheaper and better bicycle.
Along the way, you will see shops selling drinks which is rather expensive. Each can, if i remembered clearly, is approximately S$1.50. It will be better off bring own water bottle.
The ferry charges is S$2.50/pax/way, which adds up to S$5.00/trip. The ferry only set out when it is full (12pax). But don't worry, the flow of passenger is never ending.
* A Gentle Reminder, you DO NOT NEED to bring passport with you! :)
Enjoy the photos below!
(Below) Welcome to UbIN!!
(Below) Pulua Ubin Kumpug
(Below) Is this purple berry or blue berry? Or what berry is this?
(Below) On top of the viewing tower at Chek Java
(Below) Wild Boarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
(Below) My Bike
(Below) Fried Beehoon, but not that tasty even though we are all damn tired. This shows that it is not tasty at all.
That's all Folks ;)