Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Low GI Diet helps in weight loss | Change your Lifestyle | MileStone.SG

Low GI Diet
Introduction to Glycemic Index

GI Diet also known as Glycemic Index Diet is a general term for weight-loss diet that are based on your blood sugar level.

In a GI Diet, your aim is to eat more of low GI food and less or high GI food. A GI Diet uses the Glycemic Index to guide your eating plan.

The Glycemic index is a guide developed to help improve blood sugar control in diabetes. The Glycemic index classifies carbohydrate-containing foods according to their potential of raising your blood sugar level.

Although the GI Diet is not a true low-carbohydrate diet because you don't have to count carbohydrates. Nor is it a low-fat diet. But a low GI Diet does steer you toward certain types of food that is low-fat and low carbohydrates.

Why GI Diet and how it helps in weight loss?

Monday, October 21, 2013

Myths on Weight Lost | Change your Lifestyle | MileStone.SG


If you want to lose weight you need to get on a healthy diet and exercise and you should avoid eating fried or oily food. Some even skips meals to lose weight. Does all these sounds familiar to you? Maybe you even tried out these methods and does not see even the slightest weight lost. These are just myths on weight lost.

Myth #1: Skipping meals

Sunday, October 20, 2013

BMR versus BMI | Change your Lifestyle | Milestone.SG

BMI versus BMR

BMR versus BMI?

The body mass index, or BMI, is a scale that provides an indication of your overall body composition and fat. Your basal metabolic rate, or BMR, is a measure of the amount of energy your body requires to perform its normal vital functions at rest (doing nothing and sleep all day). Your BMI and BMR are related in the sense that a lager body composition is generally associated with a higher BMR. BMR decreases as age increases; this means that as age increases, your metabolic rate decreases.

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Best Nitric Oxide Review | Change Your Lifestyle | MileStone.SG

Nitric Oxide & Your Heart

Who doesn’t want a healthy heart? The role of our heart is very important. It helps us to pump blood to the brain, our hands and all the way down to the feet. To summarize it all, it supports blood circulation to every part of our body effectively. Very often our blood vessels and arteries are blocked up which restrict and slow down our blood flow, this means that our heart needs to work that extra mile to pump blood to support our body. The “extra” effort that the heart used would increase stress to our heart and hence increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

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