Thursday, May 28, 2009

These hamsters are so cute

They are so cute!... Looks like he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. These hamsters were found at Taman Jurong, where a bowling center can be found there. This pet store is just beside the bowling center. While I am walking towards the MacDonald, this particular hamster (the one standing out) was looking at me. So took a picture of this hamster. It's so cute.... After my taking a photo of this hamster with flash, it hides itself away. Maybe they are afraid of the flashes from the camera. Thats it for now, I will be posting more photos when I have the time to take more.


DC said...

Which pet store is this? Syrian hamsters are supposed to be housed individually.

They are aggressive to their own kind by nature and will fight to the death at maturity.

Tamster-TaMy said...

Cute Cute!! I've 2 hamseters, sapphire winter-white & dwarf roborovski... Cute Cute!!

By the way, can u teach me how to put in the 'Newer' 'Home' 'Older' at the end of each page.. pls??

Annoymous said...

Hamsters.... cute but quite boring

SG Replica said...

hmm, im not sure about this. It just appear when i use this template.

Tamster-TaMy said...

Kelvin >>> hmmm, then probably should be the settings of the template I choose bah... i'm just so not good as all these... thanks anyway... & nice to 'meet u'... stay hapi!! ;p